This section covers ongoing enforcement proceedings brought by Tatiana Akhmedova against several individuals and entities.
Tatiana has brought proceedings against the following:
- Counselor and Sobaldo, in relation to the Monetary Assets (previously held at UBS in Switzerland by Cotor) which were received by trusts which Counselor or Sobaldo controlled. Tatiana alleges that the purpose of those transfers was to put the Monetary Assets beyond her reach.
- Temur, to recover the monetary assets transferred to him by Farkhad/his entities, which she says were transferred to Temur in order to “put those assets beyond Tatiana’s reach” and frustrate the enforcement of the divorce award. There is a separate claim in respect to the Moscow Property.
- Borderedge Limited, to recover funds transferred to it from the Monetary Assets (previously held at UBS Switzerland by Cotor).
- Tatiana has commenced civil proceedings in Liechtenstein to seek the recovery of assets which were transferred into the Liechtenstein trust structure.